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A template for talk (and workshop) proposals

Title (10 words)

Title is evocative and keep it brief and descriptive.

Description or Abstract (100 words)

General description of the talk, talk about the problems the talk will solve, write from first-person.

Topic (100-150 words)

What are the key things the audience will learn? What is the one thing that you want people to take away from your talk? (learning Objectives)


Who is the talk for?


Concrete details on what will be covered, I'll usually keep these around 5 bullet points.

Video sample

I'll include a video sample either pitching the talk (speaking ability) or a previous recorded version of the talk.


Refer to existing material or resources the talk is based upon.


Links to finished prototypes and code examples

When I'm sending out the proposal I'll usually include my speaker information (biography, photos etc.) along with the proposal.

More tips and tricks:

The Sample Proposals from O’Reilly helped me shape mine, thanks!